It took forever to get things back to normal at work, man those guys rely on me ALOT! So because I was working double time at work and a hours each night, I never really got a chance to do anything last week. And this weekend, we cleaned up everything and went through all of our Disney bags.
Most of the bags were from Disneyland, some of that stuff was in the photo in the previous post. Also included were gifts for everyone, sorry, no photos... you will just need to be surprised.
I have downloaded all of our photos, some 1300+ in total. I have also gone through all of them and selected the best one, still a large number of 350, but worth it. I am now going through all of those, organizing them, and getting them ready to post. I plan on doing two different types of posts.... photo posts and review posts (which will include a few photos). I hope to start these soon....
For those of you who are family, I will be bringing all of our photos with me when we come home this coming weekend.
Videos are a different story... The videos are still on the original tapes, I haven't even had time to move them from the tapes to my computer. Let alone the fact that I haven't had time to learn how to create videos/DVDs from them. I also don't even know how well they came out. I may bring the camera and tapes with us, so we can play them back for everyone... who knows.... So the videos may be a bit longer....
Until next time, I will leave you with the following photo. This is us, Kali, and Brittany onboard the Lilly Belle Parlour Car. This was Walt's private railroad car and was (until recently) used only for VIPs (such as Presidents, royalty, executives, etc...).

click for a larger version